Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Journey of the Yellow log entry 4 (Post 109)

After waking up I headed to a strangely named Nugget Bridge and found the one and only Lucas there.  It seems that when it comes to pokemon the one thing this man is not good at is variety and training because I plowed through all of his pokemon.  After running away again I talked to one of the people on the bridge.  He told me that if I beat all five people on the bridge I would get a special prize, I was curios and my desire to win and have stronger pokemon took over me.  I crushed all five of the trainers on the bridge and when I got to the end there was a gangster.  He handed me a gold nugget and asked me if I wanted to join the syndicate, but he was so obsessed with asking me to join that I never got a chance to say yes so I destroyed his pokemon and moved on with my life.

On a platform ahead was a man in a robe wearing a strange insignia, three dragon heads pointed towards each other.  The strange man approached me and gave me a Charmander.  He told me that this Carmander was not only the chosen Avatar of Wisdom but he was also a reincarnate of another ancient dragon.  The Charmander is a part of another group of powerful pokemon know as the Three Great Dragons.  The Three Great Dragons were three great pokemon that lived millions of years ago, they watched over the world.  One day a legendary dragon tamer wiped out these three dragons creating choas among all pokemon, leaving no one to stop him from taking control of all the dragon pokemon.  The Supreme Mew managed to save two of the dragon's souls and turn them into pokemon eggs, the other dragon went into a deep slumber waiting to be awoken by a trainer worthy enough to bring the other two dragons together.  So the first Great Dragon and chosen Avatar of Wisdom Seth Kelly became my knight.

After resting my pokemon I trained Seth Kelly in the grass of Cerulean City for hours until finally he evolved into a Charmeleon.  Next on my agenda was to head to the residence of Bill the man who created the Council of the Computer.  After safely crossing Nugget Bridge I maneuvered through a maze of hedges and teenagers making out.  I arrived at Bill's house only to find a Clefairy but Warrior sensed something was up as he rushed to the pokemon only to find out it was Bill who had fused with a Clefairy in a teleportation experiment.  I managed to run the program and get Bill to his human from destroying the Clefairy in the progress.  Wanting to devote more of his time to his experiments he gave me his ticket to ride the S.S. Anne.  Before I left I looked at his computer to see his pokemon research, I found Lucas's Eevee and it's evolutions but the writing was in a language I didn't recognize so I headed back to Cerulean to train some more.

When I got back to Cerulean I found a gangster who had ransacked another person's and stole a TM.  Naturally I defeated him and he granted me the item as a reward, but I did not return it to it's owners as used it to teach my loyal Christian Bale the move dig.  I then headed south to find a tunnel leading to Vermilion City, on the pathway there I found more teenagers and bested them in combat.  An Abra approached me and joined my team in the Council of the Computer as Doc Brown.  In Vermilion I talked to man who owned a hundred pokemon, he gave me a bike voucher and I got a free bike.  After obtain my fast-paced vehicle I went to Diglett Cave.  Inside I trained my pokemon and a Diglett joined the Council of the Computer as Bill Murray (Bill Murry).

After rigorous training I finally waged war on the Cerulean Gym Leader, Misty.  Warrior easily sped through her lackeys and half-way through the battle with the flimsy water-type trainer he learned the mighty power of thunderbolt.  Barely lifting a finger I managed to defeat Misty and obtain the Cascade Badge taking control of the Cerulean area.  The Battles with Misty and her lackeys better equipped Warrior for the next fights to come.  After winning I went back to the Diglett Cave and a powerful Dugtrio joined as my knight and new Ambassador of Diglett Cave, Bill Murray II (Bll Mry II).  My pokemon would rest at the pokemon center and then we headed to set sail on the S.S. Anne.

The great ship was sturdy and had four levels.  On the first level I met very grumpy old men who were so bored they thought they could beat me in a battle.  The bottom level was full of sailor who I am pretty sure were gay because they seemed very odd when they challenged me.  On the second level were a bunch of spoiled rich people who I felt glad striking down, but at the end of the third level I yet again was challenged by Lucas.  After thoroughly thrusting his face into the ground I headed to the top floor to find the captain of the ship hurling in a trash bucket, I rubbed his back with my magic fingers and somehow made him feel better.  He thanked me by giving me the ability to grant one of my pokemon the power of cut so that I can strike down the evil trees that stand in my way.  Milfimus Prime was granted this move.

After I left and the S.S. Anne set sail I headed on the route eastwards of Cerulean City only to find more pokemon slavers.  The slavers turned out to be a bigger challenge then I expected but I managed to defeat all of them and end their pokemon torchering ways.  After getting to the end of the route I found a pokemon center and rested me pokemon.  I headed in the opposite direction when I left the pokemon center going through to the end of Diglett Cave.  I made my way through the cut trees and obtain the HM05 flash,  after all that I decided now it is time to sleep.

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