Sunday, March 2, 2014

Journey of the Yellow log entry 1 (post 105)

Inspired as I was by the Twitch Plays Pokemon playthrough going on I decided to start a new game on my original Yellow version, planning out my team somewhat and picking out interesting nicknames giving them a more important role.  I decided I would use my blog to chronicle my adventures for a while until i finished my journey.  This log depicting the Journey of the Yellow would go into great detail of the importance of all pokemon and the destiny that needs to be upheld.

without further adieu,
Journey of the Yellow log entry: 1

I began my journey a boy going to explore the world of Pokemon.  In a dream a strange man in a lab coat spoke to me and told me about the wonderful creatures known as Pokemon.  This Professor Oak then asked for my name.  I told him "Carter" and he began to tell my about my rival, his grandson, who's name he had forgotten which frankly is very rude and mean to forget such a close relatives name, unless he has early onset Alzheimers in which then I'm and asshole.  I thought of who my rival was and then remembered my roomate.  "Lucas" I then reminded him of his grandson's name, he thanked me and then I woke up.

As it had turned out I fell asleep in my clothes (guess that's what happens when you get that frosted).  I proceeded down the steps past my mother and out the door.  I decided I wanted to go for a walk outside of Pallet Town when suddenly that Professor who was in my dream showed up and stopped me telling me I couldn't walk through grass, and then a wild Pikachu attack us.  Oak was lucky enough to catch it in a pokeball without having to damage it, he then began walking me to his lab.  Frankly I was a little frightened this old man wanted me to go by myself to his lab, what if mom wondered where I was.  Lucas showed up though but he is kind of an asshole, the professor was gonna give me a pokemon on his table and Lucas just took it from me and his grandpa didn't even stop him he was just like yeah whatever take it.  What if that pokemon was my destined partner and I never even had a chance to bond with him.  Oak felt bad and gave me the Pikachu he had caught before we went to his lab.  I guess I shouldn't complain Pikachu is pretty rare.  Ok kneeled down as he gave me the Pikachu and said, "This Pikachu is your partner Pokemon that you must use to fight battles for you as a knight would for a great king."  Thinking of the Pikachu as my knight I aptly named it Warrior, and he was fitted with leather armor and given a wooden sword.  As I started to leave Lucas challenged me to fight our pokemon, he had and Eevee the evolution pokemon which is pretty cool and I hope to obtain one someday.  I kicked Lucas's ass fairly quickly as I actually used moves that did damage and I set off on my pokemon journey.

I traveled down the route outside of Pallet Town using Warrior to fight off flocks of Pidgey.  Entering Viridian City I knew I needed to catch more pokemon if I wanted to get better, so I headed to the PokeMart.  As I entered the establishment the clerk yelled at me, he had know that I was coming from Pallet Town and gave me a parcel to give to Professor Oak.  So then I once again traveled the Pidgey infested roads towards Pallet Town visiting this strange Professor's lab once more.  As I brought him the Parcel his asshole grandson showed up and Oak began speaking about his dream.  He told us that he once wanted to search and find all pokemon on earth, and after that he told us that since he was so old and feeble he wanted us to carry his dream on for him.  I do not see how that could bring him any satisfaction since he won't be going anywhere, but who am I to judge the man presenting me with my destiny.  He handed me the Pokedex, an electronic encyclopedia of all pokemon in the kanto region, it was blank.  "Your quest is to find all 150 pokemon, strike down all of the 8 fierce Gym Leaders, bring down the Elite Four and take your place as the Pokemon League Champion.", said Oak.  I could not tell if he was talking to me or Lucas and I don't think Lucas knew either so we both decided it was about each of us and went on our ways.

After arriving in Viridian City I went to the PokeMart and bought 5 pokeballs, then shortly after that I proceeded towards the west to visit the wild pokemon population.  After weeding through some of the Nidoran male and female I was challenged by a Mankey.  This Mankey was a superb fighter and was excellent in hand to hand combat, I managed to capture this Mankey and add him to my team.  The excellent fighter's name was Christian Bale (Crstn Bale) and he pledged to protect me from all who tried to cause chaos.  Then deciding it was time to train my team I headed towards the Viridian Forrest when I was furiously attack by a Pidgey and after a wearing it out a bit I managed to catch it.  A sombrero was placed upon his head and Bird Hector (Bird Hectr) soon joined the group, but he would not stay in the group for too long as I entered the Viridian Forrest and after fight off a swarm of Caterpie and Metapod I ran into the strange anomaly that was a level 9 Pidgeotto.  This was strange because Pidgeys don't evolve into Pidgeottos until level 16.  Naturally I decided that I had to capture such a rare creature, this would prove to be a tough battle.  The battle started off strong, Warrior used a fierce thundershock to weaken the Pidgeotto, I didn't want to knock-out the pokemon so I switched over to Bird Hector.  He would not prove useful even though he managed to damage the wild pokemon Bird Hector was knocked-out by the far stronger Pidgeotto.  When all hope of capturing the bird seemed lost Christian Bale rose out of his pokemon and scratched down the enemy's hit points little by little managing to stay alive long enough for me to throw a pokeball and capture the wild Pidgeotto.  When I took a closer look at the bird it grew a long mustache and a big sombrero with a "2" was placed upon its head as it was named Bird Hector II (Bd Hctr II).  After the conclusion of the great battle the fallen knight Bird Hector was placed in the PC so that he may never be damaged again.  Soon I headed back to Viridian Forest training my pokemon to be stronger for more upcoming battles.

After adequately training all my pokemon knights I headed once more the western party of the city to face my rival Lucas in brutal combat.  It appeared that he had also gained more pokemon, it was only a Spearrow though and Warrior defeated it quickly only to be met once more in combat by Lucas's Eevee.  It appeared to prove a worth adversary withstanding the powerful thundershocks and taking out Warrior's HP, but soon Bird Hector II came from his pokeball using gust to blow the mighty fox away.  Lucas ran off whining like a bitch and I soon came into combat with a Level 2 Nidoran(M) and Nidoran(F).  They told me off how the Nidoking and Nidoqueen who were suppose to be representing the Viridian City pokemon population were not in their position in the gym with their master Giovanni the Viridian City Gym Leader.  In fact Giovanni was no where to be seen in the town at all.  They asked to join me so that they may become strong pokemon to represent Viridian City and help bring peace to the Kanto Region.  I accepted their invitation naming them The King and The Queen.  I then headed towards the Viridian Forest and upon my arrival I was approached in combat by a strong Caterpie.  She told me of the perrils of her forest, with the disappearance of the Pikachu there was no one to keep the birds in check and they proceeded to bring turmoil upon the Caterpie and Metapod in the forest.  If that weren't bad enough Bug Catchers were snatching up her friends and brainwashing them into fight against her people.  Hoping I would help her bring peace to the anarchy in Viridian Forest I allowed Princess Leia (Prncs Leia) to join my team.  Soon after my loyal knights Warrior, Bird Hector II, and Christian Bale defeated all the Bug Catchers kidnapping Princess Leia's people.  Night has fallen though and it is time to for me to rest, tomorrow I plan on making my knight's stronger and soon taking on the first of the Gym Leaders, Brock.

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