Well the past few days have been fun (I guess) we really just did the big ticket items the first few days. Except for Saturday when my mom brought me to Maui's swap meet. I bought some way cool stuff like a ukelele, a Japanese umbrella, and an awesome white fedora. Then we wet camping on the beach but the beach we camped at wasn't really a good one (don't get me wrong it was way cool) but it was way to sandy and the waves were to small. Then in the morning we hung out at the beach till about noon and left for home (my uncle's house). We eventually went to gamestop and I got the free celebi and I bought a book on world record games. Then we went to Lahaina to do some major shopping (we didn't really buy anything). We at Kobe's sushi bar and steak house (which is an amazing restaurant chain where they cook the food in front of you). We just head home after that (after making a quick stop at Barnes & Noble where I bought deathnote black edition volume 1). In the morning we didn't do much went to play mini-golf and then saw a show about Hawaii's history and now I am at the airport...when i get home I am gonna look out a window and die a little inside because there will be snow on the ground....sigh. PEACE!!!