Friday, September 24, 2010

Post 30

Yo iz me again I am in history and now the regular computers have office 07 so I can blog here to so yeah that's sweet I won my first Xbox live award yesterday for avenging a players death I got Kat's helmet so yeah right now I am takings history notes on ancient mespotia I plan on making a website on for my project so yeah more later got to go bye


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Post 30

DUDE I am so addicted to Halo: Reach. It beats down Halo 3 in everyway!!! anyways i just got done having pictures taken of me (will post later).....Ugh I am so annoyed with itunes the only decent blogging app is $10 WHY!!!!!!! well thats all for now remember kids don't buy the blogwriting app or bloggerplus because they suck and don't work oh and stay away from barney!!
